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通过调解解决冲突 & 仲裁

CLLB的争议解决律师拥有数十年成功代理民事案件客户的经验, 房地产和商业纠纷, 遗产及遗嘱认证事宜及家庭法. 律师拉里·丘奇, 杰森), 加里Banet and Dana Eberle-Peay are pleased to bring that experience to your cases, to bring about swift and positive resolutions through all forms of conflict resolution, 包括调解和仲裁.

我们让各方从试图“比较苹果和橘子”到他们可以开始“比较苹果”并确定最佳解决方案的地方. 这个过程需要妥协和耐心, but it works as long as all sides come to the table with an earnest desire to resolve their issues.


  • 免费的 旅行 to Clark, Crawford, Floyd, Harrison, Scott, Jefferson, Orange and Washington Counties.

  • 晚上和周末都可以预约.
  • 在线调度.


在他的民事审判律师生涯中, Larry has represented clients whose disputes range from a few hundreds of dollars to millions of dollars. He has litigated for and against individuals, large companies and governmental entities. Larry通过运用他的常识和在他的职业生涯中所学到的技能来帮助当事人解决调解和仲裁中的冲突,以制定具有成本效益和适当的争议解决方案.


杰森代表个人, 家族企业, major corporations and financial institutions in real estate and business transactions and litigation. 他曾代表企业主, 投资者, 银行, 开发人员, 承包商, 房东, 租户, 房主, 以及印第安纳州和肯塔基州的其他地区. 因为他有诉讼背景, 他利用其广泛的经验,协助他人解决这些和其他事项作为民事调解员.

Dana Eberle-Peay

Dana积极处理所有领域 家庭法, 包括离婚, 收养, 监护权, 离婚的未婚父母, 亲子鉴定问题, 监护和同性婚姻. 当家庭内部出现纠纷时, some issues can’t be resolved with a handshake or verbal agreement. Dana专注于她的调解实践,解决夫妻和家庭之间的冲突,涉及家庭法的各个方面, 在诉讼之前或之后.


加里专注于遗产规划, 不动产及信托管理及诉讼, 监护, 老年人法律和特殊需要规划. 他帮助家庭找到满足他们需求的解决方案,这种方式不仅能保持他们的长期财务健康, 还有家庭关系的长期健康. Gary focuses his mediation practice on resolving conflicts between families related to estate planning, 继承计划和遗嘱认证事宜.


印第安纳州的调解律师 & 肯塔基州

调解是指对立的双方坐在桌前,礼貌地制定出双方都能接受的解决方案.  Typically only civil cases can be mediated (with a few exceptions).  经常通过调解的民事案件包括商业纠纷, 房屋租赁纠纷, 受伤的情况下, 小额索赔纠纷, 离婚, 子女监护权纠纷和合同纠纷.  聘请律师作为顾问,在调解期间提供建议和指导,比聘请律师打官司要便宜得多.

选择调解而不是典型诉讼的一个主要原因是,它可以帮助你与另一方保持重要的关系. 调解更具有合作性和协作性, so it is a good choice for disputes that involve business partners, 共同父母或隔壁邻居.  调解也是理想的,因为它通常是快速的, less expensive and much less 有压力的 for all parties involved.



民事调解侧重于以一种更舒适、更有约束力的方式,共同解决交易和关系纠纷.  以下是几种常见的调解类型:


中小型企业往往从使用调解而不是诉讼来解决冲突中获益良多. Business owners sometimes run into conflict with neighboring businesses, 员工, 客户, vendors or with their own business partners; yet, 不像大公司, 小型企业往往缺乏公共关系, 人力资源, 以及法律部门帮助他们处理这些冲突.

更重要的是, 除非情况得到友好解决, 剩下的敌意会影响企业主的生活质量——每天与不友好的一方打交道会让人不愉快. 调解是解决商业纠纷和维持社区意识的有效方法.


伤害调解是指解决因意外事故而导致的索赔伤害纠纷的过程. The dispute will typically be between the injured party and the party responsible for their injury claims.

Injury mediation can be an effective means for resolving a vast array of insurance-related issues. 近年来, 人们缓慢而稳定地远离昂贵的住房, 有压力的, time-consuming adversarial legal system as a way of settling personal injury disputes. 如果你与保险公司就你的人身伤害索赔达成了僵局, 调解可能是一个明智的解决办法.

中介 can also serve as an efficient alternative to litigation for health, 房主, 生活, 旅行, 或者宠物保险纠纷. Keep in mind that an insurance company needs to agree to attend mediation; they cannot be forced. 


One of the ideal aspects of mediation in estate and probate cases is privacy.  调解不像审判那样产生公开记录.  调解的保密性和非正式性为各方提供了处理家庭情感问题的机会, 父母与公共财产.

遗嘱认证, 信任, or guardianship disputes can result in an eruption of long-standing family problems (perceived favoritism, 兄弟姐妹间的竞争, 不赞成结婚, 等.).  This is when an impartial mediator can step in and lower the emotional temperature of the situation, 提供各方都能接受的解决方案.


中介 can be a great alternative to litigation when it comes to things like divorce, 子女抚养权和抚养费.  A more relaxed mediation environment can make it easier emotionally on both adults and children, mediation is more likely to produce results that both parties can find agreeable.  当你上法庭的时候, 法官会对你的家庭做出决定,更有可能的是一方会觉得自己“输了”.”


Many real estate contracts now require the parties to mediate disputes that might arise between them. 无论是对财产状况的分歧, 财产界线纠纷, 欺诈指控或其他细节, 调解是解决财产纠纷的良好开端.


失败的手术, 对亲人的忽视或医疗设施的其他不合格护理可能导致对医生的医疗事故纠纷, 护士, 医院组织和养老院设施.  调解是解决这些纠纷的理想方式.



中介律师There are several types of dispute resolution, mediation is just one of these.  Other types of dispute resolution include arbitration and negotiated settlement.  这些都被称为“替代性争议解决”,因为它们是解决冲突的途径,可以消除在法官面前提起诉讼和审判的需要.  替代性争议解决方案通常是合作的,旨在达成每个人都能同意和接受的解决方案.  They are also quicker, less expensive and more private than trials.



Statistically, most mediation cases last between a half day to a full day, some longer. 中介 is less cumbersome and time-consuming than litigation, 这可能会持续数周, 几个月甚至几年. 教堂里的律师, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law can give you a better idea about the time it may take to mediate your specific civil case.  请透过电邮联络我们 (812) 725-8224.


法律bet9九州体育登录 & 的收费结构

私人调解员一般按小时收费. 许多案件在不到一天的时间内就解决了. 除了调解员的费用, each party must pay the fee of the party’s lawyer for assistance provided at the mediation. The mediator may initially request that each side pay a deposit equal to half of the expected fee, but the parties may later negotiate for a different payment schedule.


争议解决 & 中介

While there is no formal mediation process, mediation will typically follow these steps:

  • 调解员将自我介绍,并对调解的规则和目标作一些开场白.
  • 每一方都有机会描述他或她所看到的争议,而不会被另一方打断.
  • 取决于调解员和当事人, 然后,调解员可以与在场的双方开始相互讨论,也可以私下与每一方接触, 来回移动, 解决每个问题.
  • 在与当事人讨论了